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Website Notes

Update on the Blogs section
By Brian Garrett
Posted: 2020-01-03T03:06:00Z
How many of you visit the CPA website on a regular basis?  If you're reading this newsletter, you have access the website because that is the delivery method.  Overall we have been seeing around 5,700 visitors to our site on a monthly basis.  Of those 5,700, about 500 logged in members per month since we turned up the new website back in March of 2019.  The numbers don't tell the whole story though as the 500 logins don't indicate unique members, but I believe most everyone has had an opportunity to log in with only 94 active members who still haven't logged in for the first time.

One of the objectives I've undertaken as a curator for the website is to increase the value of the site.  It is after all the very first bullet point under the membership benefits of a CPA member.  Keeping the content fresh and flowing helps.  One of the ways of keeping the content fresh is through more up-to-date content.  Since moving onto the current hosting platform, we have turned up the "Blogging" feature.  

What is Blogging you say?   Well, a blog (shortening of “weblog”) is an online journal or informational website displaying information in the reverse chronological order, with the latest posts appearing first. It is a platform where a writer or even a group of writers share their views on an individual subject.

It's important enough that it has its own spot on the main page banner.  We have a few members who are regularly contributing valuable content.  The Blog section allows for them to compose and post these articles as they have time.  More importantly it also opens up a bi-directional component to the articles - something we didn't have before.  

The blog section is in the early stages of onboarding.  It is not meant to replace Flight Lines, but merely to compliment it.  I encourage you to check it out and if you would like to contribute, we welcome your efforts.  Please keep an eye on this section as it grows.

And as always - if you have questions about the website, or would like to see something included on the site, please don't hesitate to reach out.  We look forward to providing you as much value as a CPA member as we can.
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